#Global Investments Inc.

Securities Lending

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PM | Product Design | QA | Development
Financial Industry
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About Global Investments

The securities lending module was created for a renowned client of the financial industry in Mexico City. In it, operations can be arranged between lenders and borrowers, with the possibility of visualizing the market offer, establishing collateral, scheduling arrangements, among other functionalities. It is designed to scale globally, being developed in Spanish and English.

The Problem

The module that was being used presented failures in certain functionalities, the user experience was not good enough, and it had accessibility problems, so the conversion was not as expected. It also didn't present opportunities in the market, and supply and demand was limited to face-to-face contact between the parties.

The Challenge

Understand our client’s business needs.

Since this is a traditional industry with rather bureaucratic processes, the challenge consisted not only in understanding the business model and the needs of the users, but also in incorporating agile methodologies in the way of working with the client.

Our Goals

Find a solution to satisfy user needs.

The objective was to create a system that could provide the user security in operations and improve the conversion of online operations, based on a better user experience. In addition, the new development adds functionalities to the existing module, resulting in a robust and scalable software.


We work with agile methodologies to estimate realistic deadlines.

With Scrum we ensure continuous communication and collaboration, change acceptance, adaptive planning and continuous improvement. We use different ceremonies to have fast product development, testing and release.

timeline Global Investments


a/ Research

We observe and analyze our users and the environment in which they develop, in our research we discover different insights within activity in the Short Sale, Daily Payment, Negotiation within all the applications with which we seek that we can improve our experience.


b/ Competitor Analysis

In this type of evaluation about their competitors, we can get the competitive advantage over them and this will make their product unique and better than others available.

Through the competitor analysis, we will be able to find out the strengths and weaknesses of competitors. So, we did the research on the similar looking services present in the market.

We analyze some features like the use of dashboards for better product organization and also, which will allow us to build a better product.

Competitor Analysis Global

Understanding Our Users

a/ User Persona

Personas are fictional characters that we created based on market research, quantitative, qualitative analysis and some insights and needs discovered through the research.

user-persona1 (1)
user-persona2 (1)

Ideation and Design

a/ Wireflows

To understand how product interactions work, we decided to create wireflows that show the objectives of the flow and what is its behavior.

wireflow Global Investments

b/ Lo-Fi Wireframes

To validate our research and product idea, we started by doing some sketches on paper. The simplicity of lo-fi wireframes is what makes them so useful and fast to iterate.


c/ Design System

We needed to make sure that all the designs are clear and accessible to developers. We created a style guide with typography, colors, and UI elements, and prepared detailed documentation.


d/ Hi-Fi Prototype

Having designed the components and understood the functionality of the product, we create the most similar and navigable representation of the product.


e/ Dark Mode

We discovered that users of this platform spend many hours in front of the computer screen analyzing different negotiations, for that reason we decided to create a dark mode to facilitate reading and reduce visual fatigue.



a/ Tech Stack

Infrastructure: Containers over on premises Linux.
Back-End: Python.
Front-End: Angular.

The work methodology is Contract First, which consists of designing and diagramming the entire interaction flow, especially to avoid blockages between backend and frontend developers. This is done before starting to write code, in each user story or task where an endpoint or package has to be created whose consuming counterpart is developed by other team members.

Tech Stack

b/ QA

In terms of quality, pair reviews were carried out through a merge request integration strategy. And for the testing of the entire platform, Agile Testing was implemented, where the entire team performs a whole-team approach, so that members are involved in testing early, in addition to performing automated tests.


b/ Feedbacks

The client helps us with their feedback to create a more sustainable product base, this helps us to do more iterations and constant improvements.


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